A photograph of a hot cup of tea with a lemon wedge along the rim of the cup. | Nutters

Flu Prevention

 In Canada, flu season usually runs from November to April and an estimated 10-25% of Canadians may get the flu each year. When most people think of flu symptoms, they think of body aches, fatigue, and maybe a cough. However, influenza, or the flu, actually begins as a respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus.


Over the past few decades, it would seem that some of our lifestyle choices have enabled the swift...

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Our daily lives bring us innumerable opportunities for stress which we're required to deal with...

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Andropause, often referred to as "male menopause", is a time in the male body when testosterone...

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Court Sports

Many people would rather shovel snow than go to the gym but the gym can be about much more than...

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In today's world, fibromyalgia, or as it's sometimes known as Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) has...

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