Nutters Corporate

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Sometimes getting through a normal day’s work when you’re healthy can be taxing. Struggling through the day when you’re unwell is harder still. Now imagine just trying to get through a few hours without feeling confused, exhausted or in pain. This is only the...

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Your Thyroid

Your thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system in your body. The endocrine system is in charge of body processes that happen slowly, such as cell growth. Faster processes like breathing and body movement are controlled by the nervous system. But even though the...

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Yogurt is an ancient food, thought to have been consumed as far back as 2000 BC. But because of all the variations on the theme that we have today, the ancients wouldn't recognize yogurt as the yogurt they once knew. Once upon a time yogurt was simply a starter...

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April generally signals the end of the cold and flu season but that doesn't mean there aren't germs still lurking in our environment that can make us sick. Everything we touch outside our homes has germs on its surface; shopping carts, door handles, computer...

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More people think of chromium as something that makes their car bumper shine than an essential trace mineral needed by your body every day. But wait a minute…how can chromium be both an essential and a trace mineral at the same time? Simply put, it's a mineral we...

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It’s normal for children to occasionally forget their homework, daydream during class, act without thinking, or get fidgety at the dinner table. We all know kids who can’t sit still, who never seem to listen, who don’t follow instructions no matter how clearly you...

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Polyphenols are a class of antioxidants found in plants. They are chemical compounds that plants produce to protect themselves against parasites, bacteria, ultraviolet radiation and cell injury. And when we eat those plants, or parts of those plants, we reap the...

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Long gone are the days when you had to bend yourself into a pretzel to call yourself a yoga enthusiast. These days, there are as many types of yoga as there are types of people doing it. There's yoga for seniors (generally done with the aid of a chair), yoga for kids...

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Life has its good days and its bad days. Circumstances can create times, sometimes extended periods of time, when we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel; when solutions don’t come quickly and we become discouraged and even lose some of that fighting spirit....

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Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Getting a diagnosis of cancer is a life-changing event, to say the least. So getting as many answers as quickly as possible is key. A few answers might come from the complementary and alternative therapy schools of thought. As you work through this time with your...

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Generally speaking, Spring is thought of as the time for rejuvenation. However, for the health conscious, January is typically the month when a global wellness "stock-taking" is done and changes are made for the coming year. Seems we've just finished with one big "C"...

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Omega 3, 6 & 9

Once upon a time, all fats were bad. These days, health education has taken us far enough to know that the term "good fats" is not an oxymoron. We understand that some fats promote good health while others increase the risk for disease. The omegas (also referred to as...

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