Nutters Corporate

The Calcium Connection

The Calcium Connection

By RoseMarie Pierce, B.Sc. Experts say that between one-third to three-quarters of North American women of all ages are calcium deficient. Who needs extra calcium? Women who show a definite need for extra calcium include those who are adolescent, pregnant,...

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Migraines & Headaches

Headaches are one of the most common medical complaints heard by doctors today. Approximately 45 million people suffer recurring headaches every year. And when you can't think, you can't work so headaches end up costing employers an estimated $50 billion per year....

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The Bittersweet Truth – Chocolate

Pass up the berries and green tea and pass out the chocolate! The same element that gives tea and berries their health benefits is in certain types of chocolate. The trick is knowing which kind. According to a study published in the Journal of American Medical...

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Sun Protection

So what is the ultimate sun protection? Shade! As funny as that sounds, staying in the shade is your best protection from sun damage during these hot summer months. If that's not a possibility, or if you just love the feel of the sun on your skin, there are ways to...

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Multiple Sclerosis

Once considered to be strictly an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, we now know that Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disorder. "Activated" cells of the immune system travel from the body into the central nervous system via the blood-brain...

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Nutrition & The Athlete

Exercise and sports are usually classified as two different things, however, they require the same thing from every body: performance. Even for the most gentle of athletes, or for the rest of us "weekend warriors", understanding how food affects and fuels our bodies...

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Blood Pressure

Your blood pressure is a good type of pressure that you'll want to know all about. Normal blood pressure means your body is healthy and working within its limits to peak capacity. The good news is that maintaining your blood pressure within normal limits is absolutely...

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Prebiotics & Probiotics

Pre and probiotics are referred to as "functional foods"; foods that provide some health benefits beyond traditional nutritional values. What are Prebiotics? Prebiotics, sometimes known as fermentable fiber, are non-digestible bits of food that we eat. Why would we...

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This month, we continue our year-long series on the basic vitamins and minerals necessary to good health and focus in on calcium. "Calcium for strong bones and teeth" is a phrase that all of us are familiar with. And while this is absolutely true, how many of us know...

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In today's hectic pace, day turns to night far too quickly for those of us with too much to do. More and more of us are working longer hours, long past the time when we should be winding down from the day's activities. Working outside the home during the day means...

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Adrenal Health

Sitting atop each kidney are small, yet vital, organs called adrenal glands. These little powerhouses are involved in myriad essential functions affecting our body such as immune function, producing hormones, regulating stress levels, bodily responses to stress, blood...

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A woman’s life has so many stages and changes; physical maturation in our early teens, marriage, pregnancies, nursing, motherhood, and ultimately watching our daughters go through the same stages. Then we get a “pause”… physically and mentally, when we can review the...

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