Mental Wellness


Ever wondered about the physiology of anxiety? Why is it that you can be perfectly calm one minute, have one anxious thought, and be experiencing anxiety all over your body the next? This happens because of the signals and messages your brain sends to the rest of your...

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Life has its good days and its bad days. Circumstances can create times, sometimes extended periods of time, when we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel; when solutions don’t come quickly and we become discouraged and even lose some of that fighting spirit....

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Seasonal Affective Disorder

Weather can be a deciding factor on how you feel about a day. A sunny day energizes you when you have a multitude of tasks to accomplish. A gray, dreary day will likely make you feel like you want to crawl back under the covers. A bright, snowy day can lift your...

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Feed Your Brain

Just as a precious timepiece sitting idle on a mantle will collect dust and begin to wind down, so will your brain if it's allowed to go without "food for thought". Keeping your brain active and engaged is one of the most important things you can do to maintain...

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