

Ever wondered about the physiology of anxiety? Why is it that you can be perfectly calm one minute, have one anxious thought, and be experiencing anxiety all over your body the next? This happens because of the signals and messages your brain sends to the rest of your...

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Your Immune System

Every minute of every day, hostile forces infiltrate our bodies; bacteria, viruses, microbes and fungi gain entry to our bodies either through open areas of skin or by being ingested through respiratory or digestive passages.Once inside our bodies, these aggressive...

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Allergy Awareness

"Bless you" season is almost upon us again. Some allergies can be seasonal and some allergies can be year-round. Your health care professional will diagnose your symptoms to be an allergy when it becomes obvious that your body is overreacting to things that don't...

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Developed in the first half of the twentieth century by Joseph Pilates, many of his initial students were dancers who believed wholeheartedly in the discipline of structured and specifically designed exercise routines. These students went on to open their own studios...

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Anemia has a very simple definition but can cause a complicated collection of signs and symptoms. It all starts with your red blood cells (RBC) which are responsible for delivering oxygen from the lungs to every cell, tissue and organ in your body. A decrease in the...

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Weight Loss

What can be said about weight loss that hasn’t already been said or written? It’s hard to count the number of books that have been published on the subject but I bet you can list the top five as quickly as recalling your kids’ names. How many television specials and...

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Sometimes getting through a normal day’s work when you’re healthy can be taxing. Struggling through the day when you’re unwell is harder still. Now imagine just trying to get through a few hours without feeling confused, exhausted or in pain. This is only the...

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Your Thyroid

Your thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system in your body. The endocrine system is in charge of body processes that happen slowly, such as cell growth. Faster processes like breathing and body movement are controlled by the nervous system. But even though the...

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